Coreografia Curva Nord Atalanta a ritmo di musica

Allo stadio Atleti Azzurri d’Italia di Bergamo va in scena un grande spettacolo grazie alla coreografia della Curva Nord alzata a ritmo di musica prima della sfida Atalanta vs Milan 2015.

Gli ultrà bergamaschi sono soliti fare degli spettacoli e riempire la curva, ma questa volta, complice lo speaker che passa gli Status Quo, la scenografie non può non rimanere impressa.

Mentre i nerazzurri alzano la Dea, tutto lo stadio può godersi Whatever you want, un brano mitico del rock anni 80…anche se in realtà il disco che contiene il pezzo è uscito nel 1979, inciso da etichetta Vertigo.

Ecco il testo della canzone degli Status Quo:

Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose

You’re showing off
You’re showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn’t even say goodbye

I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can’t refuse

Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose

You’re showing off
You’re showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn’t even say goodbye

I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can’t refuse

Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you loose

Whatever you want

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