Vada come vada, Curva Sud Salerno

Se la musica funk diventa un coro da stadio allora lode ai tifosi salernitani ed al loro vada coma vada.
Inimmaginabile quanto possa venire bene una canzone di black music cantata da una tifoseria di calcio. Questi sono gli ultras di Salerno presenti allo stadio Meazza San Siro per la trasferta contro il Milan del Novembre 2021:
Oeo, la Salerntana
oeo, vada come vada,
oeo, non la lasceremo mai!
1, 2, 3, 4..
Non sono parole impegnate, ma che sound il coro della Curva Sud Siberiano! I tifosi granata si sono ispirati agli EWF – Earth, wind & fire – band di Chicago attiva dal 1969 e legata all’etichetta musicale CBS, rappresentanti degni di perle soul, funk, r&b e disco. Semtember, canzone in questione, è uscita in vinile nel 1978 per la Columbia; disco d’agento e d’oro, ancora dopo 40 e più anni è nota al grande pubblico…anche per essere passata in radio e inserita in clip di spot o fiction o altri prodotti televisivi…che dire, la mia cultura mi porta a citare Griffin, American Dad e Cleveland Show.
Do you remember, 21st night of September?
Love was changing the mind of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
How the stars stole the night away, oh yeahHey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy dayBa-du, ba-du, ba-du, ba-duBa-du, ba-du, ba-du, ba-du
Ba-du, ba-du, ba-du-da, yeahMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love
How we knew love was here to stay
Now December
Found the love we shared in September
Only blue talk and love
True love we share todayHey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
There was a
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, golden dreams were shiny daysThe bell was ringing, oh, oh
Our souls was singing
Do you remember, never a cloudy day, yowThere was a
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
There was aBa-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancing in September
Ba-dee-ya, golden dreams were shiny daysBa-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya